I am Jason Scheirer, a completely unremarkable software developer in the Bay Area initially from the Inland Empire. A rough timeline of my life as a software engineer:
- Start programming BASIC in elementary school, escalating to pirated QuickBasic and Turbo Pascal, as well as legal but squirrely DJGPP/RHIDE/Allegro
- Get a part-time job in late high school writing “web applications”
- Get bored in intro CS classes and change majors to Linguistics
- Decide that taking a mere full courseload is for suckers who like sleep and good grades, so instead also add working 30 hrs/wk to pay tuition and taking night classes to teach English at the same time
- Get as much CS coursework done as possible before hitting the unit limit for graduation, managing to squeeze in the minor just in time
- List about from company to company in SoCal writing software for 10 years, mostly Python/C/C++, mostly geospatial adjacent
- Move to Bay Area and list about from startup to startup writing software for 10 years, mostly Python/Go/Ruby, mostly social adjacent
A rough timeline of my entire life, including the future:
- Born
- Childhood
- Early adulthood
- Adulthood
- Writing bullet points in a text editor
- (Speculative) Dead
See my /uses
page for more information about my things.
I do not have any sort of analytics on this page. I have no idea what my traffic or “engagement” stats look like. I could be getting 1 hit a month, I could be getting 100000 hits a day on some single blog post. I honestly have no idea and it’s not something I want to think about.
There’s also no Javascript on this page. I can’t justify “enhancing” the “experience” of viewing words on a screen with some stupid runtime-in-the-browser trickery.
(Late 2022 update: Javascript exists, where necessary, for “functional” pages like to display games but not for content load or navigation UI trickery.)
(Early 2025 update: Javascript exists on pages with mermaid
codeblocks to convert them to SVG inline. Still no deep tricks, though.
If I can ask you but one favor, it is this: if you like the site, tell immediate friends and subscribe to it in your favorite RSS reader. I do not write to provide Internet Brain Geniuses with material to fractally complain about to feel better about themselves on Social Media. I would rather those people not know I exist. Please only share these posts on places where the comments section do not devolve into utter idiocy.
If this site provides you with value, great. If not, keep in mind I owe you nothing.